LunART and the Mead Witter School of Music are excited to welcome you to the Musician Health Symposium! This two day event will feature exceptional guest speakers, panelists, and workshops.
The symposium will kickoff with a virtual interview featuring three guest speakers sharing their personal experience with injuries. In honor of the National Injury Prevention Day, the interview will be premiered on Thursday, November 18th on the LunART Website, Facebook and YouTube channel. Day two will be presented as a series of in-person events at Hamel Music Center (740 University Ave, Madison, WI 53706) on Sunday, November 21st. Doors open at 11 AM and the event starts at 11:30 AM. This event is non ticketed and open to the public.
For the health and safety of our community, we kindly ask you to wear your mask during the event. Help us keep live arts events safe, in-person and thriving in Madison!
We look forward to seeing you!
Thursday, November 18 | 7 pm ct
Virtual kickoff featuring three guest speakers sharing their personal experience with injuries.
Can't join join us, but don't want to miss out?
No Problem! Visit our Facebook page, YouTube channel or website after the event to view at your leisure.
Sunday, November 21
Day two will contain two workshops on physical health and a panel discussion on mental health in musicians. This workshop will be open and free to the public but is specifically geared towards music students and faculty to advocate for awareness, understanding, and fair treatment around injuries.
11am: Doors Open
11:30am-12:30pm: Feldenkrais Workshop lead by Prof. Uri Vardi
12:30-1pm: Break/Refreshments
1-2pm: Mental Health Panel
w/ Prof. Jessica Johnson, Dr. Linda DiRaimondo & Prof. Uri Vardi
Moderator: Ana Tinder
2-2:15pm: Break
2:15-3:45 pm: Yoga for Musicians lead by Nicole Newman
Guest speakers and artists
This event is produced in partnership with: